Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Dig up your gladiolas in the Fall and don't allow any obstacle to occupy your praise.


This week felt like summer. Windows open...seventy-something degrees everyday.

We dug up gladiola and dahlia bulbs from the garden...

...cleaned off the porch..

...took away the half-eaten-by-squirrel pumpkins and dead, crispy mums..

...transferred some outdoor vines into pots for the inside...went for walks.

From my devotion today:

The devil will use anything and everything to derail your faith. He begins to defeat you the moment he takes hold of your worship. If he can take away your willingness to praise God, then the spiritual warfare will tilt in his favor. The enemies of truth, love, grace and hope always come after your worship first. It's the same as a terrorist's first strike at the source of your power, fuel and motivation. So cherishing, guarding, and practicing your praise must be a priority in order for you to thrive. 

Do not permit... 

...failure.fear.anxiety....to occupy your praise!

The Bible does not require you to be happy in order to praise God.

Sometimes you must choose to praise while you're...

...wounded.hurting.aching.crying...you still have to praise.

Don't let the devil steal your worship.

Don't allow any obstacle to occupy your praise!

{You can find this study on the YouVersion Bible App...

"Called Outside Your Comfort Zone"... by Samuel Rodriguez}


Monday, November 2, 2020

Since you asked, or maybe you didn't...my yearly November post you've been waiting for..or not.


It's everyone's favorite season, right? ...so why do you early Christmas people have to rush it?!
I know, I know...I too LOVE Christmas trees and twinkly lights and green wreaths...
...but not until after Thanksgiving. 

I won't get into this too deep as I have already been called Grinch by family members and friends...the election is tomorrow and America is on edge and cranky and a lady in Target told her nine year old daughter she sincerely hopes my baby DIES because I had my mask down. Yikes...the hatred is out of control.

Back to November....
I just love enjoying the season we are in...and we are IN FALL! 
...until the end of the month in Liz's world. 

So yes, this is my soapbox post I do every November first..give or take a day. {smile}
November is one of my favorites...it's the month of anticipation for the holiday season.
Chilly enough for fires in the wood stove and hot chocolate and cinnamon-y apple pies...
...yet warm enough to not freeze while going for a walk and iced coffee is still a thumbs up! ...and we still wear sweaters with no coats... yet sometimes a scarf is a necessity. 

November is pretty much perfection in my mind.
