Wednesday, July 24, 2019

After the storms and tornado alerts all was well and fun and great and memories were made!!!

There were....
...nine tents.
...thirty two people that ended up coming.
..four coffee pots on camping stoves.
...ten thousand pancakes made.
..continuous fires in the fire pit.
....two tornadoes that touched down. {Scary..but everyone was thankfully safe!}
..buckets of rain.
...a couple of hours spent eating tacos in a Mexican restaurant.
.....tons of quarters used to dry sleeping bags in the laundromat dryer.
..quite a few fish caught and cooked in a cast iron skillet.
Lots of memories made.

...and Wow!
My brother caught this!....World Record fish right here folks!
It fed the whole crew! ;)

No person camping should sacrifice their fancy coffee just because they're in the woods!

My dear sister in law Molly  took the next few photos below.
Her photography is amazing...
...I almost don't want to put her pictures on the same post as mine! Ha!

...and here's me flipping pancakes 100 weeks chunky and pregnant.
{Oooorrrrr...maybe I'm only 31 weeks ;) }

We are getting pretty excited around here to meet this little baby.

Thanks Green Bay and family for a great weekend!

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