Wednesday, April 22, 2020

So...where was I....?

Oh yeah..I was VERY pregnant, the weather was summer and all the flowers were in bloom.

A quick recap, for those reading one hundred years from now...
..when I will be very old or most likely DEAD...
...generations below me can know a little of what happened between August and the end of April.

Here it goes....
New babe in the house...Cecilia Marie...born in September. {such a gift!}
A daughter had surgery....on her pinky...
{..never underestimate the power a shirt collar during a football game.}
Found out our son and daughter in law are having a baby giiiiiirrrll!!!..due in July. {Yay!}
Fall glorious Fall happened ...and I have not one picture up on my blog!
Aaaaaalll the holidays.
Braces came off one child, braces went on another. {$$$}
We celebrated 23rd wedding anniversary. {happy, in love sigh}
Then..there is this whole pandemic thing.
Like you...we've been home for 4,756 days now.

I'm going to be honest...I kind of like having a clear schedule. {shrugs shoulders}
However, we are missing the library, the state park, and seeing people!!!

Our baby girl is almost seven months old.
Currently enjoys eating, eating, eating, reading the paper, eating,
chewing on a rubber rainbow, eating, planning the garden, eating
aaaaaand running a tight cat nap schedule.

Hope you're having a lovely to you soon.

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