Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Boredom. It's a good thing.

{Mint and Sugar Flower salad made by the Village Chef}

Boredom is .....
...a blank canvas
.....a place to create
...a gift
..... a necessity
..something we NEED to let our kids feel and experience

Boredom is what children need to drive them towards creativity.
They need freedom and space in their minds.

Parents often rob their own kids of time with constant entertainment,
extra curricular activities and busy, busy, busy in the name of "giving them opportunity".

You are actually doing your child a disservice by filling their every little second.
Give your child the gift of "Time on their hands".
Soon enough they will be busy and time will be hard to come by.

They need it create.
They need to experience "nothing to do" so they can come up with "something to do"...
....on their own....using their own brains, their own minds.


Julie Robinson, the education and training director of the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS), said more importance must be placed on reflection, meditation and calm. 
“It is all too easy for parents to be sucked into a competitive busyness, ensuring that children are constantly occupied and stimulated,” she said.

“We should not fear boredom however.
Quiet, reflective time is just as important as purposeful activity.”

All pictures in this post were taken in "The Village".
The Village is a small town that our kids and the kids next door to us
created and built over the past couple of years on a small strip of property the neighbors own.

Out of old boards and plywood they constructed houses...some high up in the trees, some on the ground.
They planted gardens (which are producing onions, peas and carrots),
their little homes are decorated...and they did it all on their own, no help from adults!

In the village there is also...
..a store
....a church
..a graveyard
.....a warehouse
and a village town hall.

When they are all grown up,
I believe memories of the village are going to be some of their favorites.

Flower Soup ~ made by Sophia ^^^

HereHere and Here are articles about kids and boredom if you're in a reading mood.
Happy Wednesday to you.


  1. I LOVE this!
    Such a good perspective. I'm one that leans very much toward very little media or electronics for little kids, and sometimes it's hard to know what to tell them to do if they're "bored." I love this. Boredom stimulates creativity. So good!!
    And that whole Village just sounds like boatloads of fun. I would have LOVED that as a kid!

  2. I totally agree with you. I sometimes fall into that guilt of thinking I need to be spending so much time with the children all day long, but I have found that "ignoring" them (letting them get bored) ends up giving them the freedom to find their own things to do (memorable things like flower soup!) Great post, Liz.
