Wednesday, December 16, 2015

We do school at home.

Homeschooling #4

Homeschooling during the holidays is both relaxing and fun around here.
We {for the most part} take a break from our "regular" school and
incorporate holiday related activities into our school days during the month of December..

{at the high school level, my kids mostly stick to their studies...only taking a couple of weeks off}

We do a heavier load of school during the month of January...
...doing this gives us 3-4 weeks to enjoy the Christmas season.
I love it..and so do they!

We bake...a lot.
We read....a lot.
We watch movies...a lot.
We play Christmas music both on the piano and the radio...a lot!

We take things slow. We focus on the real reason for celebrating.

We are reading through this Advent book.

We also have around 1,100 Christmas books in our home!
Today the girls chose short books to read and write reports on..
...complete with artwork to go along with it.

We spend our days learning, but not the conventional "sit- at- a- desk" sort of way.
We've been doing this since the oldest was little...and I'm so glad we did.
Since the beginning of raising kids....we have enjoyed December.

Hope you're enjoying this most wonderful time of the year.

1 comment:

  1. You make me smile, and your two bakers are so pretty and cute.
