Let's say you use a great hairspray .....and then one day you go to the grocery store
and there is an off brand that looks almost exactly the same as the
trusty hairspray you've been using for years...DON'T buy it. Repeat. Don't buy it.
Two words : Spray Glue.
Seriously though, I would have LOVED this stuff during the "bang" years of the late 80's.
Maybe I'll stash the bottle away and save it for the year "bangs" come back.
You know they're's just a matter of time.
It's funny...I was telling my sister this story and she did the same thing as me...
....bought the exact same off brand. Thinks so much alike.
Speaking of time.. {from a few sentences back..remember?}'s that time of year where everyone is outside in their gardens....
{or at the beach or the pool or at the farmer's markets.....everyone should go to farmers markets!;)}
I went to my first market yesterday down in Chicago...not to work, just to visit.
Don't you just want to be outside all of the time?
So much to do out there in God's beautiful creation.
This weekend is going to be cold..a chance for frost on Saturday night! Yikes for my flowers.
...but it will be sunny! Sunny is good.
I know a lot of you have seen this.
I hadn't until a couple of weeks ago. Oh my goodness. So funny.Have a good weekend.
Love that first pic!! and that video.. Oh my goodness!!! Hilarious.