Monday, April 16, 2018

Where did you get that adorable coat?...a short tale of how I was awesome for three minutes...and then I wasn't.

It was Saturday. It was busy. It was rainy.
He dropped me off at the door and went to find a parking spot.

I walked into Nordstrom.
I looked at scarves only the Queen of England could afford.
I smelled perfumes. I glanced at new lip colors. I waited.

Then a beautiful twenty-something year old employee of Nordstrom started toward me.
"I looooOOOoooove your coat! Where did you get it from?"
...she, with her pretty hair and perfect make-up asked.

"Ha. I actually bought it ten years ago, wore it for a while,
gave it to my sister and she just gave it back to me..
this coat is on it's third round.."

Beautiful Girl:
"It looks GREAT on you! I love how you paired it with the floral scarf."

"Thank you."

Beautiful, Lovely Girl:"Wow..your whole outfit, I mean, you look fabulous!"

Me..{feeling pretty good about my clothing ensemble}:
"Oh..thank you"..blush, blush.

Beautiful, Lovely, Very Sweet Girl: "I bet you've been getting compliments all day!"
{I promise she said this!}

Me..{waving hand confidently}: "Well, ha, no."

Beautiful Girl That I Now Really Liked:
"Well, you really do look great. Love your style giiiirl."

Me...{I'm awesome!} {..I mean, c'mon, she called me giiiirl! }: "Haha..Thank you."

My Beautiful Bestie. What a Doll...Holding A Bottle Of ...Something....
What Is My Beautiful Bestie Holding?
"So I am working with an advanced aging skin care line for women your age..{YOUR AGE?}
and I have this cream that will help smooth out your skin, make your fine lines less noticeable.
It will also start to shrink your pores. I would love to have you sit down, I can
help you apply some...See if you like it?"

At that very moment my phone rang...
"Hey babe, I'm still looking for a parking's crazy out here!"

"Umm...actually, my husband is waiting for me...
...but thank you anyway. Maybe some other time."

Stupid Nordstom Employee Who Thought She Could Probably Be My Daughter
And Obviously Just Lost A Contact Lens:

"Have a nice day!"

"Thanks..You too"

...Oh and my lines and pores and crows feet and and Dr. Scholls
and TEN YEAR OLD COAT! will have a

What is that sound? ...the crowd asked as I walked out the doors of Nordstrom.
It was the sound of a deflating head and humbled giiiiirl.

It was 3:30pm...Jeff and I decided to skip shopping and eat an EARLY DINNER.
..since we are "advanced agers" now.
...or at least my skin is.


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