Wednesday, October 1, 2014

...they caught me.a little about labor.and a cupcake.

I could hear them. That's what caused me to wake up. Their loud giggling.
I dozed off for a "quick" 45 minute snooze. ;)
In the mean time...they did a little photo shoot with my camera and
laughed at silly answers I gave to questions they asked while I was not very coherent.
Glad to be a source of entertainment.

I love hearing women's baby stories.
The way they go through labor. The way they give birth.
We all do things so differently, it's fun to talk about and learn what others do.

Here's a little bit about the way I do things.....

...I am 38 1/2 weeks now.
I usually have my babies early. We'll see when baby decides to arrive this time around.

...I have a midwife I absolutely adore.
She has attended over 1,000 births! She now runs a very small practice,
which is nice because she puts so much into each mom she cares for.
Each of my appointments have lasted for more than an hour...I have learned SO much from her.

.....Our plan is to do a home birth.

...I don't take pain medication during labor. I've never had an epidural.
One reason..I'm more afraid of a needle in my back than dealing with the pain of labor.
I lean more on the natural side when it comes to my body anyway....
so I don't like taking anything unless I have to.
I won't lie...I have had to ask Jeff to remind me why. Ha! It hurts! Labor hurts...bad!
But it's worth it in the end. It's worth it when you hold that sweet little bundle.

Okay, moving on....

....Our babies sleep with us in our bed.
I credit {almost} never being up with a crying baby at night to co-sleeping.
They sleep so much better when cuddled up next to us.

My family threw a shower for baby and me.
It was so very nice. So many people. So many lovely gifts given.
I was so thankful. I can't believe how many nice and wonderful and caring people I know.
I am so very blessed.

My mom made the adorable Oreo lollipops.
My sister Caitlin made the beautiful pumpkin cupcakes.

Boy and girl were both hung on the line this afternoon....
....but the sun and wind dried mostly just white.
Oh little baby I am so excited to see who you are!!!

And finally....
Now. Soon.

How adorable is this picture??? ^^^
Sophia drew it for me.
(P.S. She adds an "e" to many, many of her words. We're working on this. ;)

Hope you're having a lovely week.
Happy Wednesday....XxOo

1 comment:

  1. You are so close to meeting your little baby!!! That is just SO wonderfully exciting! And when it's so close it makes you all the more curious to find out if it's a boy or a girl. :) And laundering all those baby clothes are so fun, they smell like a dream! I cannot wait to hear the news! I hope it's this weekend. :) xoxo
