....lurking with my camera. snapping moments I find adorable.
It's amazing how big the love is that we have for our children, isn't it?
I will one day soon write about miscarriages that go on forever and ever and ever...
...and ever and ever....and EVER!!! and feel like they are never going to end.
But they do....that's what they say. I'll let you know.
I have learned a lot about the human body these past few weeks. Still learning.
...and seriously! Why aren't there more websites for women out there?
Who are we supposed to turn to at 2am when we don't want to wake the doctor
from her sweet slumber to ask a question that may be silly? ....or not?
You could be dying! or not? or you could be! or not!
How are we to know??? How? How? How did people live before the internet? {wink}
I found many answers in the comment section of articles I read from other countries...
...like New Zealand! New Zealand women, they speak frank.
.....and the comments marked TMI with obvious grammatical and spelling errors
seemed to be the most helpful. Ha!
Capturing the heavy rains and crazy storm clouds while tornado sirens blared
and his wife continued her pleading for him to move into the basement.
....after she took a photo of course.
and his wife continued her pleading for him to move into the basement.
....after she took a photo of course.
The storms this past week left gorgeous pink skies.
Yes! Yes! These are my colorful hydrangeas that decided to bloom again after two years of rest.
Thank you darlings. ...and look at that little lightning bug. Frankie is now caring for him.
Finally....here is our friend Andrew Belle's new single.
....my kids love when this song is stuck in my head and I sing down, down over and over again.
Have a fabulous weekend.