Have you heard of Free Bleeding?
I hadn't...until I read an article posted by someone on FB last night.
I ended up getting sucked into following link after link and article after article...
I read more than I needed to and found my self all aggravated with no one to
talk with except my teenage boys...that wasn't going to work! They'd throw up.
Go ahead...read the article right now if you want.
I'll wait....
Que elevator music...Lalalala Lala. La. lalala Lala. La. La. Laaaa...saxophone solo....Lala.
Okay, you're back. Great.
So...what did you think?
Here's my thoughts on this completely disgusting, lack of common sense phenomenon...
....let's call this.....
10 More Things You Need to Know About Free Bleeding.
1. Women in third world countries free bleed because they have NO choice!
I know people who sewed reusable pads for girls in Africa and they were
very grateful to receive such a gift.
2. Periods are not a hush, hush situation in this country.
Turn on any television set and I can almost guarantee you will see a sporty woman
having fun in a tampon commercial. It's discussed...just privately..amongst women!
Who exactly do the women writing these articles want to have period discussions with?
3. My husband would rather have his leg chopped off than discuss my period let alone another woman's.
4. "Mommy, why does that lady have blood dripping down her legs?"
Oh, she's just free bleeding sweetheart. - Not a conversation I want to have with my little boys.
5. Anyone who decides to free bleed will NOT be welcome in my home or car during their monthly cycle.
6. The free bleeders say it is natural...well so are bowel movements and urinating.
Is the next step relieving ourselves wherever and whenever we need in the name of being "Natural".
7. Throughout history women would free bleed...because there were no other options!
How thankful I am to live in a day and age where we can make a choice about
how to stay clean during our periods.
8. Under Mosaic Law, you couldn't even sit where a menstruating woman sat...
she was considered unclean until the end of her cycle.
{Not that we follow Mosaic Law. I was just going as far back as I could to show that
even long ago cleanliness was important.}
9. What about the mess you make? How many loads of laundry will you be washing?
Obviously you be staining things? How much money will you spend replacing
your stained clothes? Furniture?
10. What will you do with all of those stained clothes?
Throw them away..hence creating more trash for Mother Earth and
completely contradicting the whole "save the planet by not
throwing away feminine products" goal you are trying to achieve?
Or..will you donate to the Goodwill? Who will buy your free bled clothing?
"Oh Look! I found new period clothes!" ...not a likely story.
Okay, well, that's all for today.
So tell me...will you ladies be Free Bleeding?
What do you think of this.
Happy midweek to you.